Lifelong learning journey

In August 2020, after completing my Permaculture Design and Advanced Social Design Certificates with the Permaculture Women’s Guild, I started the process of the Diploma in Applied Permaculture with the Iberic Permaculture Academy (AcaPI), and mentored by Aline Van Moerbecke. The AcaPI is an organization committed to training professionals and new agents of change, enhancing the human capacity to design regenerative cultures emerging from permaculture.
Here, you will find the 10 designs I created to obtain this diploma, a couple of videos with my presentations, a description of compliance with the complementary criteria, as well as my Activity Journal.
Practice Presentation in Orduña
Complementary Criteria

“The process of sharing your work and insights with other”
This website is the first specialized website that talks about permaculture in Basque. Thus, it has led me to give several interviews in local newspapers and radio stations (Argia, Iparraldeko Hitza, Euskadi Irratia,…).
Apart from my participation in social media and local events such as the Hendaye Sustainable Development Week organized by the Hendaye City Coucil and the CPIE of the Basque Coast, the gathering called BizHiriak organized by BDSKoop and, the Bioterra Ecological Fair, I have also created several ressources that I hope can be useful for Basque-, Spanish- and French-speaking people.
In addition, the translation circle of the Permaculture Colab, which we have created together with Aline Van Moerbeke from La Casa Integral, Claudia Dörr from Las Acacias, Luiza Oliveira from L’Invisible Irrésistible and Meiling Colorado from PermaMed, offers translation services to collectives of people and individuals across the planet who are looking for a technically knowledgeable and culturally sensitive translation service of material that is directed towards Design for Regeneration.

“The active process of supporting supportive social networks”
Through this website and other social networks, my goal is to participate in the creation of a “glocal” community, “integrating rather than segregating”, favoring the weaving of Basque-speaking networks without forgetting broader systems. Joining Lan-Eko and the cooperative garden project called Sorburu Baratza has allowed me to quickly integrate a well-developed eco-social network in the region.
In the AcaPI ecosystem, I tried to boost our learning community by actively participating in discussions, promoting support groups, posting my designs and organizing the 2022 Annual Gathering in Orduña together with Ivan Tellaetxe and José Luis Angulo.
Finally, two ideas sprouted from the emerging friendships during this diploma. First, the organization of the first PDC taught in Basque with my friend Ivan Tellaetxe. And, next, the co-creation of the Hedera Rewilding Association, which purpose is to “Accompany people and organizations in their processes of change towards the renaturalization of spaces and learning times in a holistic and regenerative way for the Earth and the people.”

“The process of reciprocating support received from other permaculture individuals and networks”
During this diploma, I have used my graphic talents to help Aline and Juan Pedro, from La Casa Integral, in their business plan and other documents’ layout.
In addition, together with Alfred Decker from 12P Permaculture Design and Candela Vargas from Objetivo de Luz, I am participating in the translation of Australian pioneer and Blue Mountains Permaculture Institute co-founder’s, Rosemary Morrow’s book called “Permaculture Teaching Matters“.
The gift economy is also a great way to show symmetry. In the translation circle of the Permaculture Colab, we practice gift economy for people or collectives of people that cannot afford translation services. We also use it at our co-working space, Lan-Eko. This way, we can share knowledge and help each other.
Finally, I never forget to quote and celebrate other people’s work in my designs and interventions, and I contribute to local polinization by talking about interesting local projects on my social media profiles.

“The process of increasing the knowledge & understanding of permaculture systems, such as their effectiveness and overall cost”
All portfolio designs include at least one evaluation following permaculture ethics and principles. In some of them, i.e. the design on Permaculture Design Methods, there are several cycles of evaluation and tweaking.
Economic costs have been analyzed in the designs that required them (i.e. Munhoa and Les Roses). But, other types of capital (social, intellectual, experiential, spiritual, material, living, cultural) have also been taken into account depending on design needs. For example, the design of the Japanese urban house was rather based on increasing social, experiential and living capital than on financial aspects. Moreover, my inner landscape design was based on social and emotional capital and my active learning process design was based on the acquisition of experiential and intellectual capital.
Munhoa’s Forest Garden design also includes a detailed analysis of the nitrogen balance in the future forest garden.